We Create Dentures Everett Patients Use to Replace Teeth

Dentures Everett

We provide dentures Everett patients count on to have a beautiful and strong smile after tooth loss. If dentures are not something you have given any serious thought to, you may want to consider your options at some point. Most people feel that they will never have any need for a dental prosthetic device. They base this on their own habits, oral hygiene, and perception of why a person might need dentures in the first place. In fact, recent surveys have shown that over 60% of people believe that they will never require dentures. The confidence people have in their ability to stave off age, DNA, and accidents is positive.  However,  the majority of adults will still experience some form of tooth loss, making it important to be aware of your replacement options.

Already, over 20 million women over the age of 40 are wearing partial or full dentures.  The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry projects that by the year 2020 over 37.9 million American’s will be wearing some form of denture.  Dentures are not inevitable by any means. Good health, hygiene, diet, and taking care of your teeth can easily stave off tooth loss or at least delay it. However, if you know what signs to look for, you stand a better chance of knowing when and if you will need dentures.

People don’t need dentures suddenly. The only time a person loses a tooth and requires a replacement is if they lose their tooth in an accident. Rather, there is a process of change and usually some noticeable signs that lead up to losing a tooth, which would then need to be replaced using a denture. The strongest recommendation we can give you is to be one of the 43% of American’s who make it a habit of visiting the dentist at least twice every year. When you see us consistently we can catch many of these problems before they become severe, and potentially save the teeth. No problem with your mouth is an automatic indication that you will need dentures. Baring tooth loss due to accident, catching and treating conditions early is one way to avoid tooth loss.  If, however, it does happen, we provide dentures Everett patients depend on for a comfortable replacement solution.

Some of the conditions that you should watch for are –

  • A toothache: A toothache is usually an indication of an infection since it typically starts with some level of pain. If you have a toothache that will not go away, do not ignore it as it is your mouth trying to tell you to seek out medical attention.
  • Loose or movement in the teeth: If you start to see your teeth are moving, leaving gaps that were not there before, you should consult us immediately. Periodontal and other diseases can cause the teeth to move and become loose. These dangerous diseases are a leading cause of tooth loss unless treated early.
  • Bleeding: Swollen, bleeding gums are incredibly common with over 70% of adults suffering from it at some point. However, you should not dismiss this because bleeding or swollen gums could be an indication of an underlying infection.

If you visit our dental office with these symptoms, we may be able to prevent tooth loss.  However, if you do need dentures Everett patients have been pleased with the natural appearance of the prosthetics we create.

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