More Information About Dentures Everett Patients Depend On

We provide dentures Everett patients use to replace their missing teeth. Dentures are a detachable prosthesis which replaces teeth that are missing and can help make your smile whole again. Some people lose their teeth because of poor diet, bad oral hygiene routines, gum disease, tooth decay, and even sometimes reasons as severe as cancer. If you have lost some or all your teeth, replacing natural teeth is a relatively easy process and will benefit your appearance and your overall oral health. For instance, for those individuals who have lost some or all their teeth, dentures may prevent facial muscles from sagging.  This prevents patients from looking older while also improving their smile. Apart from the esthetic benefits, they also make it much easier to eat and speak.

Types of Dentures    

Conventional dentures are removable appliances, which are placed within your mouth after the remaining, natural teeth have been completely taken out, and the tissues in the mouth has healed. This process often takes several weeks. During this healing process, we can give you the option of utilizing immediate dentures. Immediate dentures are a removable set of dentures that are given on the same day that the real teeth are taken out. During your initial visits, we will take the necessary measurements and made models of your jaw to create the immediate denture so you do not have to be without teeth during the healing process that can take anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks. However, the jaw has a tendency to shrink slightly and when the tissues and gums in your mouth have healed completely after your procedure; your immediate dentures may need to be adjusted or realigned.Over-dentures, on the other hand, fit over a small number of remaining natural teeth. In the case of over-dentures, we will try and save some of your natural teeth, if possible, to help preserve your jawbone and provide support and stability for the denture.  When providing dentures Everett patients need to replace teeth, we will discuss this and other options in detail.Getting accustomed to new dentures may feel uncomfortable and awkward initially, especially for the first few weeks. Dentures may feel like they want to come loose for a while, and it isn’t unusual to experience minor irritation or soreness. Saliva flow might also increase temporarily, and your cheek and tongue muscles might feel as those they have to keep the denture in place. However, as your mouth becomes more accustomed to wearing them, all these little problems should go away. If problems do persist such as irritation or soreness, you should see us as soon as possible. Consistent, check-up appointments are recommended after a denture is inserted so that we can check the fit and make adjustments as necessary.No matter what kind of dentures you have, you should always practice good dental hygiene. Brushing your gums and tongue daily is very important as it stimulates circulation in your tissues and helps to remove plaque. In addition, always remember to clean your dentures with a soft-bristled brush with a mild soap or a denture cleaning solution. If your dentures stop fitting well, break, or crack, you should contact us immediately.For more information on dentures Everett patients depend on, give us a call and schedule your consultation.

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