A Cosmetic Dentist Explains Common Ways People Damage Their Teeth

Perhaps the most common reason patients seek treatment from a cosmetic dentist is to repair teeth that have become damaged. It can be helpful to know exactly what most often damages teeth in order to prevent it from happening moving forward.

Common causes of damaged teeth

There are numerous ways teeth can become damaged, but some are more common than others. It is important to take extra caution when participating in activities that carry a higher risk of damaging teeth in order to avoid a trip to the cosmetic dentist for repairs. The following are four common ways teeth can become damaged.

Facial trauma

One of the most common ways teeth become damaged is through facial trauma. While the term is somewhat broad, facial trauma essentially refers to anything that results in a blow to the mouth, such as getting hit by a ball while playing sports or the result of an auto accident. In many instances, facial trauma that results in damage to teeth is unavoidable and essentially impossible to predict, such as tripping down a flight of stairs or getting into an auto accident. However, there are ways to minimize the risk of facial trauma in other areas, such as by wearing a mouthguard while playing sports.

Poor oral hygiene

Poor oral hygiene may, in fact, be the main reason teeth become damaged. When the mouth is not kept clean and bacteria, food particles and other harmful substances accumulate in the mouth, it can create an acidic effect and eat away at the enamel of teeth, causing cavities, stains and even tooth loss. It is important to follow a consistent oral care routine that involves brushing several times a day and using floss and mouthwash daily. It is encouraged to also check for any signs of teeth damage and visit the cosmetic dentist for treatment if any issues arise.

Eating hard foods

Another common cause of damaged teeth is eating hard foods, such as hard candies and ice. It is best to try and avoid crunching down on hard foods, as they can cause either instant damage to teeth or weaken the surface of teeth over time. When possible, look for opportunities to soften harder foods or choose alternatives. For example, instead of hard tacos, choose soft tacos, and instead of choosing a hard candy, choose something soft that is not chewy or sticky.

Grinding teeth

When determining the cause of teeth damage, a cosmetic dentist often does not need to look any further than the teeth themselves. Teeth are often the main suspect for damage to other teeth. Grinding teeth while sleeping is a very common reason for damaged teeth, and perhaps the most difficult cause for the person to determine, as they are asleep when it occurs. Be sure to check for signs of bruxism (teeth grinding), and contact your cosmetic dentist if any issues develop.

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